Tazumal Ruins El Salvador - Turismo en El Salvador y Centro America - Mayatriangle

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Tazumal Ruins El Salvador

Publicado por Mac Bernal en El Salvador · 9/4/2018 19:42:57

Tazumal (/täsuːˈm äl/) is a pre-Columbian Maya archeological site in Chalchuapa, El Salvador. Tazumal is an architectural complex within the larger area of the ancient Mesoamerican city of Chalchuapa, in western El Salvador. The Tazumal group is located in the southern portion of the Chalchuapa archaeological zone.[1] Archaeologist Stanley Boggs excavated and restored the Tazumal complex during the 1940s and 1950s.

Archaeological investigations indicate that Tazumal was inhabited from the Classic period through to the Postclassic and that the site had links as far afield as central Mexico, the northern Yucatán Peninsula and lower Central America. Metal artefacts from the complex date to the 8th century AD and are among the earliest metal artefacts reported from Mesoamerica.



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